Product Identification

Product Identification Service

Candela offers a product identification service which includes finding de-listed, hard to find and obsolete lamps. We can id lamps:

  • One-on-one over the telephone.
  • From a picture which can be faxed or e-mailed to us.
  • From a sample you can send to us in the mail. Any lamps sent to us for identification will be returned upon request.

If the lamp you need is not available, we may be able to cross reference another lamp or it may also be possible for us to have the lamp custom made to your specifications.

Select Product Type

Please select from the following product types to submit a request for product identification:





  • Dedicated Service

    On call, online, for your convenience.
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  • In Stock

    Virtually everything you need in-house.
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  • Delivery

    Among the fastest in the industry.
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